Monday, March 24, 2014

NPD trait: Envy

One of the traits of a NPD is envy.

Back in my post about Narcissistic Personality Traits, I pointed out that one characteristic is envy, and D most certainly has it.

☑  Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of him or her.

When we first met, we were working entry level jobs. He had just gotten his college degree a couple years earlier, and I had about a year of college under my belt.

When we married, we had no savings, no family money, no investments, no assets. We lived paycheck to paycheck and held our breath to make ends meet. We were still working the exact same entry level jobs when we got married, and he was earning 10¢ an hour more than me. Just 10¢. That came out to a gross difference of $8.00 between his paycheck and mine. (Except I worked a lot of overtime, so my paychecks were usually larger than his.)

I don't remember the circumstance, but I remember what he yelled at me to end the argument. It is one of the most ridiculous things D. has ever said to me:

You only married me for my money!

I'll never forget how pissed he got when I snorted and walked away.
Now I understand.

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