Friday, March 14, 2014

Being stuck is keeping me stuck

Why is it so darn hard for me to get up off my ass and do something? Anything?
Every day is wasted with nonsense and I don't get any packing done, I don't sort through boxes of crap, I DON'T SEND OUT JOB APPLICATIONS...

WTF is wrong with me??

I mean seriously, what the fuck is wrong with me??

By not doing anything, I'm just going to be stuck here longer. 

Last night I decided to take a one-week vacation from Facebook. I'm not gaining anything from that that I can't live without. When the week is up, I'll decide if I want to take a second week off. It could be a really good thing.

I'm going to bed early (on time) tonight, waking up at 6am tomorrow, and hopping in the shower and getting dressed right away. If that's all I do for the day, it'll be more than I've done all week. Plus, I'm always more productive in the early morning, and more productive when I'm dressed instead of pajamafied.

I'm sick of being stuck.
But like the quote above says, maybe I'm stuck because I think I'm stuck. 
Ok. shutting off the computer for the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow, too.

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