I'm packing today.
Rather, I'm purging and packing today.
After 2 rushed, unplanned moves in a row and a lifetime of indecision, we have boxes and boxes of crap to deal with.
I have been putting off dealing with this crap for years and years. Now it's time to deal with this before I get the hell out, and so I am purging and packing.
Here's where it gets challenging. As I purge, I create an empty box.
When I pack, I fill the empty box.
As I move things out, I'll remove a box.
I don't want D to know I'm purging, packing, or removing my stuff from the house, so I have wayyyy more empty boxes than I will ever need.
Today, as I work, I've been moving the last of the boxes to be gone through from the garage into my bedroom. Empties are going back on the shelf in the garage. To the inattentive eye, it looks like nothing has changed. Reverse gaslighting for you, D. You're welcome.
To my eye, it's hard to see progress, because all I see are boxes. I'm hoping once the garage contains only D's stuff and empties, I'll feel like I've made headway in the project and can stop and breathe.
A nice surprise was in one of the boxes. I found a bumper sticker that says "Don't postpone joy."
When I feel overwhelmed by this project or think I want to take a break, remembering this little statement will help me stay on track.
Don't postpone joy.
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