Monday, April 21, 2014

NPD Traits: Hypersensitive to insults (real or imagined) & being told "No" is a personal attack

 ☑   Hypersensitivity to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage, shame, and humiliation.
☑  Being told "no" comes off as a personal attack

The silverware argument: 

Me - Hey, when you wash the dishes, I know you sometimes like to fill up the sink and soak stuff overnight, and I end up draining the sink and washing it in the morning. Would you mind leaving the sharp knives out of the sink when you do that, please? I don't like fishing my hand around to pull up the plug when I can't see where the knives are.

D - Fine. I'll stop washing the dishes. You can do them all from now on.

And he stopped washing the dishes.
For a long, long time.

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